Own your very own app

Own Whisky Journal.

As an independent developer, I've built and maintained Whisky Journal for years now. However I simply don't have the time to give it the attention it deserves, to continue to grow.

I'd love to pass the project over to someone or an organisation who can take it to the next level.

What do you get?

  • The intellectual property of Whisky Journal
  • The complete database of around 14k members and 10k whiskies (note that all members will be notified of any ownership transition and members reserve the right to have their data deleted at any time)
  • The complete Whisky Journal app (including source code) made up of:
  • An iOS and Android app (built in React Native - "a write once, output to both platforms" codebase)
  • An App admin panel/backend to administer members, the Whisky DB, blog posts etc (PHP)
  • A RESTful API which serves data to the app (built on Laravel and Amazon Web Services)
  • A marketing website (built on a CMS in PHP)
  • Brand assets (logo, supporting material etc)
  • Domain names (whiskyjournal.co and whiskeyjournal.co)
  • Google Analytics properties to view anonymised traffic reports
  • Email Marketing database of Whisky Lovers

Where could you take it?

Here's a few ideas on where you could take Whisky Journal:

  • Introduce promoted content (aka tasteful ads) throughout the app, charging businesses to promote their content
  • Introduce premium features to a subscription account (eg. image recognition features, social component, curated news, additional review fields)
  • Add a donate to 'support the development of the app' feature with in-app purchasing
  • I'm sure you'll be able to think of more :)

What would the transition involve?

  • Transfer of domain name to a domain name registrar in your ownership
  • Transfer of Git repositories to your developers
  • Assistance to your developers, to redeploy the Whisky Journal online components (website, API, app backend)
  • Transfer of apps to your Apple and Google Play accounts
  • Transfer of Facebook App
  • Provision of all design assets (logos, material)

What do you want for it?

Fill out the form below and make me an offer. I'm honestly not expecting the world - but be fair and reasonable.

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